


Despues de una larga ausencia, el anciano director de teatro
Daniil Sorin recibe una invitaci.n para volver a estrenar
en Mosc. su aclamada y legendaria versi.n de ‘The Cherry
Orchard’, de Anton Ch.jov. Le invade la duda. .A qui.n le
puede interesar hoy en d.a su sutil puesta en escena del
cl.sico? Sin embargo, los actores le convencen y acaba por
aceptar. Todo va de maravilla, las actrices compiten para ser
la protagonista y se reencuentra con un viejo amor… Pero la
acumulaci.n de detalles extra.os empieza a hacerle sospechar.
Descubre una l.pida con su nombre; hay folletos de una
funeraria repartidos en el teatro; un amigo italiano le llama
despu.s de ver su necrol.gica, y entiende que los actores que
le invitaron a reponer la obra tienen un plan aterrador para que
el .xito est. asegurado.
After a long absence, ageing theatre director Daniil Sorin is
invited to Moscow to resurrect his legendary staging of Anton
Chekhov’s ‘The Cherry Orchard’. He has doubts; who needs his
traditional, subtle staging of the classic play nowadays? But the
actors convince him otherwise and he agrees. Everything goes
well, every actress wants to play the leading part, and an old
love is rekindled… Until the accumulation of strange events, his
discovery of a grave stone bearing his own name, undertakers’
flyers lying around the theatre, a call from an Italian friend
who’s seen his obituary, make him realize that the actors who
invited him have a very different and terrifying plan for ensuring
the success of the play.

Anna y Nikita Mikhalkov en el Fest de Sevilla

Nace en San Petersburgo, Rusia. Estudia Realizaci.n en el
Instituto Nacional de Cine (VGIK) de Mosc.. Actualmente vive
entre el Reino Unido, Rusia y Canad., y trabaja como guionista,
directora y productora desde 1993. Sus pel.culas han sido
invitadas a festivales internacionales, entre los que destacan
Tokio, Moscú, Sevilla y Montreal. Tiene en su haber los largos ‘The
Cherry Orchard’ y ‘Season of Mists’; un drama de una hora para
BBC, ‘Last Summer’, y el corto de animaci.n ‘Sea and Stars’.
‘Death in Pince-Nez or Our Chekhov’ es su tercer largometraje.
Born in St. Petersburg, Russia. She trains as a film director at
the National Film Institute (VGIK) in Moscow. She now lives
between UK, Russia and Canada and works as a writer, film
director and producer since 1993. Her films have been featured
at international festivals, including Tokyo, Moscow and
Montreal. Her credits include features such as ‘The Cherry
Orchard’, ‘Season of Mists’, a one-hour drama made for the
CBC, ‘Last Summer’, an animation ‘Sea and Stars’ and several
documentaries. ‘Death in Pince-Nez or Our Chekhov’ is her
third feature film.

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