
Javier Martín-Domínguez, jurado del 33 FESTIVAL DE MOSCU

Javier Martín-Domínguez, director del Festival de Sevilla, miembro del
Jurado oficial del 33 Festival de Cine de Moscú.

El Festival Internacional de Cine de Moscú ha seleccionado entre los miembros de su jurado oficial para esta edición al director, guionista y  director artístico del Sevilla Festival de Cine Europeo, Javier Martín-Domínguez.
El jurado de la sección oficial está integrado además por la actriz Geraldine Chaplin, el director israelí Amos Guitai, el húngaro Karoly Makk y el realizador ruso  Nikolay Dostal. El Festival, que llega a su edición 33, se celebra  del 23 de junio al 2 de julio.
Guionista, director de cine y documentales, Martín Domínguez es premio Príncipe de Viana de creación audiovisual y premio de periodismo internacional Cirilo Rodriguez. Ha sido jurado de distintos festivales, secretario general de TVE, corresponsal en Nueva York de Televisión Española y de La Vanguardia en Japón.
Junto a la biografía de Martín Domínguez, el Festival de Moscú señala en su web oficial que “ el festival de Sevilla se ha consolidado rápidamente con evento local, con la ambición de convertirse en un punto de referencia clave  para el cine europeo en el sur del continente. Como director del mismo, Martín Domínguez ha contribuido a hacer crecer la reputación del  Festival de Cine de Sevilla  como una muestra amplia y solida del cine europeo”.
El Festival de Sevilla tendrá este año a Rusia como país invitado, ofreciendo una amplia muestra de su pujante cinematografía y organizando reuniones profesionales para fomentar la coproducción y los rodajes entre ambos países. Rusia entró a formar parte, el pasado marzo, de Eurimages, el mas importante fondo público de apoyo financiero a  las coproducciones en Europa, y que presenta en Sevilla una selección de las películas apoyadas en el último año.

Javier Martín-Domínguez
festival director, director, writer

Javier Martín-Domínguez was born in Spain in 1954. He is the director of the Seville European Film festival (SEFF) and has developed a career in journalism, television and film, as director, producer and scrip-writer. He earned a degree in Communications and Journalism at the University of Madrid and a Master on Media and Film at The New School University of New York. 

Martín-Domínguez has pursued a very successful career on Spanish TV. In 1976 he began to work for TVE – the main group of television in Spain. Through the following years he experienced a very successful career on television, where he became director of development and thematic channels at the Spanish Public television, and then in 2005 - secretary general of TVE. He also created TV formats for different networks in Spain. 

He received the Principe de Viana award for audiovisual creation and the Internaional Jornalism prize Cirilo Rodriguez. He was a foreign correspondent for Spanish public radio and television in New York for a decade, and Far East correspondent, based in Tokyo, for the Barcelona newspaper La Vanguardia. He also was the editor in chief of the magazine Comunicacion XXI, and currently writes a weekly column about cinema and media on the Spanish press. 

Javier Martín-Domínguez is also the writer and director of films. He had directed and produced numerous documentaries: More than a witness, The XXI century museum, The Last Word, A place to dream, Madrid-USA, etc. His biopic of the American writer Paul Bowles and his wife Jane Auer Bowles, Traces of sand and wáter has been shown at the Cinema du Art festival in París, Amsterdam, Boston, Tangiers and other festivals. With his fiction film De la piel pa´ dentro/ Within the skin he won the first prize of the Pamplona Festival. Other titles written and directed by him are Art East, Improvisators of Illusions (both shot in New York) and Eclipse. He also directed the promotional film of the Universal Exposition of Seville in 1992. 

In 2008 Javier Martín-Domínguez became the director of Seville European Film Festival, which launched in 2004 and has been rapidly consolidating as a local event with the ambition to become a key Southern reference point for Euro filmmaking. Martín-Domínguez’s assignment for the role of its director, contributed in building on Seville Film Festival’s reputation as a solid and wide-ranging Euro showcase. He holds this position till present days.  

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