

Sevilla festival de cine europeo, único participante español en la cumbre de festivales de Berlin.

Tuesday February 8, 2011

8:30 amRegistration Opens
9:15 - 9:30 amOpening Remarks by Conference Chair
9:30 - 10:45 amPanel “The 21st Century Festival: Diversity in genre, culture & media”
As we push on into the 21st century, festivals must continue to adapt to the types of films their audiences watch, shifts in types of audiences and the manner in which they view films.  This also creates opportunities to expand programming, reach new audiences and incorporate new art forms into a festival.  This group of experienced panelists will share strategies for incorporating new media, genres, and cultures into festivals to attract the modern cinephile.
Moderator: Bruno Chatelin, COO, filmfestivals.com and fest21.com
Stacey Donen, Artistic Director,  Whistler Film Festival 
Marina Fabri
, Co-director, Courmayeur Noir in Festival
Bonnie Voland
, International Marketing & Publicity, IM Global 
Despina Mouzaki, Director, Thessaloniki Film Festival
10:45 – 11:30 amMorning Break
11:30 am - 12:15 pmKeynote Presentation 
Dieter Kosslick
Festival Director
Berlinale (invited)
12:15 pm- 1:45 pmBreak for Lunch
1:45 pm - 2:45 pmInteractive Session“The Unconference”
An unconference is a meeting where the participants drive the activity. There's no set agenda and no set presentations, but a discussion that people leave and join as they see fit.

Don’t miss this guided open forum to engage your colleagues and gain insight to the most pressing issues you and your festival are facing. This session will provide attendees an opportunity to both, ask questions and get answers on specific issues facing their film festival.
Come prepared to engage one another and share pearls of wisdom that have been learned over the years. At the close of each day attendees will have the chance to revisit pressing issues and share in this interactive environment.
2:45-3:30pmPresentation “Festivals, Markets, & Distribution”
The international film festival business, companies, individuals, travels the world annually to see new feature films, to meet, to buy and sell movies.  The events can be film festivals which are sometimes accompanied by larger and/or smaller Markets.  There are now also just stand alone Markets without any associated Festival.  We'll discuss the annual events, large and small, their timing and analyze what goes on when the professionals meet.

3:30 – 4:15 pmAfternoon Networking & Coffee Break on Exhibit Floor
4:15 – 5:15 pmPanel “War and Peace in Festivals: The value of collaboration”
All festivals exist in the sphere of influence of other festivals, whether in the same town or overseas.  In a recessed economy, competition is tighter than ever for sponsor dollars and audience attendance – and there is always the issue of having premier status for your marquee films.  So why would anyone want to share ideas or resources with the enemy?  Many festivals actively engage in alliances, partnerships, associations and other relationships with their festival brethren. 
This session will discuss the complexity and varying opportunities of those relationships, provide perspectives on the pros and cons of engagement and isolationism, and give examples of their own experiences on the subject.
Moderator: Scott Roxborough, German Bureau Chief, The Hollywood Reporter
Tiina Lokk, Director, Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival 
Michelangelo Messina, Director & Founder, Ischia Film Festival
Basil Tsiokos, Festival Director, Shoreline Entertainment
Deborah Young, Festival Director, Taormina Film Festival
Krystof Mucha, Executive Director, Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (invited) 
5:15 pm - 6:15 pm
Cocktail ReceptionAfter a full day of presentations, interactive panel discussions and networking events take the edge off with a cocktail and toast an end to the second day of this year's summit.  Take a tour of the exhibit hall and discover the products and services that can help take your festival to the next level!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

8:30 amRegistration Opens
9:30 am - 9:45 amOpening Remarks by Conference Chair
9:45 am - 11:00 amPanel Crossing the Divide: The role of festivals in worldwide film distribution"
As the festival world shifts with the constant improvements in digital technology, changing economic conditions and other factors so does the distribution of Indie Film.  Technology may be making the world smaller, but it remains to be seen if these effects are carrying over to the non-linear world of independent film distribution.  Hear from these Indie film and festival leaders on what they are prioritizing when making their festival strategy this year and in the future.
Moderator:Sandy Mandelberger, Owner, International Media Resources
Shivani Pandya, Managing Director, Dubai International Film Festival
Jürgen Schau
, Owner, JSE – Entertainment
Karen Arikian
, Executive Director, Hamptons International Film Festival
Leon Morgan, Film & TV Consultant, Davenport Lyons
Javier Martin, Festival Director, Seville European Film Festival 
Leon Morgan, Film & TV Consultant, Davenport Lyons 
11:00 am - 11:45 amMorning Networking & Coffee Break on Exhibit Floor
11:45 – 12:30 pmCase Study “The Price of Independence- Film festivals and Censorship”
Last year the Melbourne International Film Festival received a phone call from the local Chinese consulate instructing it to withdraw a documentary film – 10 Conditions of Love - about Rebiya Kadeer , the leader of the Uigyur people in exile. 
The festival refused to comply. As a result a wave of attacks were launched at the festival's communication networks – Fax and phone lines were jammed, abusive emails filled staff inboxes. Odd men in black leather jackets appeared opposite the festival office with long lenses.
In concert with the psychological tactics the festival was subjected to a series of cyber attacks aimed directly at our ticketing system and our commercial viability. The attacks were highly organised and caused economic damage.
The vigor of the frontal assault was matched behind the scenes. Seven Chinese films were withdrawn from the program. Some in fear of consequences, others prompted to join the wave of nationalism that swept the pages of China's daily newspapers about the issue. 
This talk aims to present a case study of the incident and to raise questions about the independence of film festivals and the price of maintaining an independent stand. The talk will allude to another incident of political censorship during the 2009 festival – i.e. Ken Loach’s boycott of the festival for accepting sponsorship from the local Israeli consulate.  
The attendant publicity over 10 Conditions of Love and Ken Loach was enormous and catapulted the Melbourne festival onto the world stage. But at what price?  Will the festival be able to program Chinese films into the future? Will film festivals increasingly be held hostage to the political views and whims of independent filmmakers?   
Even if you wanted to is your festival ready to program 10 CONDITIONS OF LOVE? Are your firewalls secure enough to resist attack? Can you guarantee the privacy and safety of credit card details of your patrons? What price can you afford to place on maintaining the integrity of your main festival asset – the program?

Richard Moore

Director, Brisbane International Film Festival 
Former Executive Director, Melbourne International Film Festival
12:30 pm - 2:00 pmBreak for Lunch
2:00 pm - 3:00 pmPanel “Building a Loyal Fan Base: Strategies for staying connected and filling seats”
Establishing a strong foundation of festival goers is a vital component of any successful film festival. Partnering with local schools, education outreach programs, social networking and other digital technologies are just a few of the ways that festivals can engage and support the community.
Don’t miss this cutting edge panel discussion addressing the latest strategies that can help grow your audience and fill seats. We will take a look at several case studies and how festivals are expanding audiences and engaging in a more meaningful way with fest attendees using these strategies.  This unique session will engage experienced film festival leaders, giving you the best advice and strategy from across the globe.
Moderator: Scott Hillier, Festival Director, European Independent Film Festival
Geoffrey Malone, Founder & Chairman, Singapore Film Festival
Peter Stein, Director, San Francisco Jewish Film Festival
Colin Stanfield, Executive Director, Nantucket Film Festival
Bruno Chatelin, COO, filmfestivals.com and fest21.com
3:00 – 3:30 pmAfternoon Networking & Coffee Break on Exhibit Floor
3:30 – 4:15 pmFireside Chat “A Programmer’s Strategy for Festivals – Berlinale”

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